Erica online

Sunday, November 23

Is there no pleasing me?

I'm just meditating on some of the places in my life that I can't find "balance".

I have a tendency to take on WAY too much and I'm so busy running around
trying to get it all done, that I feel like I'm going to pass out from exhaustion.
Then I need "crash time" to recover when I've overdone it, so I plan nothing for
myself in an attempt to rest, but then I find myself bored. There must be a place
of balance between boredom and burn-out. I just haven't found it yet.

I'm not happy with too much or too little to do, is there no pleasing me?
I hope not. I do think though that (especially in North America) people are
consumed to achieving happiness. I have no real answer to this problem as I find
myself caught up in it too. I guess its got to be peace from God that gives us joy when there is too much or too little to do. And when I'm on either side of that spectrum I need to learn how to REST. (not so much sleep, but rest...I'm learning that there's a difference between the two!!! Its taken my 27 years to catch on to this, I'm a little slow on the uptake I guess)

I can sleep all day whenever I get stressed or anxious. Its my mode of escape. So I'm learning to rest in whatever I'm doing when I'm awake so I need sleep to escape the stress of life. Many people already do this naturally but its something I'm having to learn and put into practise....a life lesson, if you will.

So there are my deep, meditations on a Sunday afternoon. But even this self-analysis is a form of self-absorption, ah....the irony.
Erica at 1:52 PM


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