Erica online

Sunday, February 27

Brain Fart???

This morning I had a preview of senile dementia, which I don't plan to get but now I know what it could feel like.

First episode:
My pantry is right beside the stove. I heard the kettle boil, so went to get the tea bag out of the pantry. This takes one step, one second in time and in that space of amnesia! I stood at the pantry door, staring at everything, wondering, "what I am looking for?"

I stood there for about a minute before I came back around, and worked through the process again...tea kettle, make tea, ahhhhhhh....tea bag.

Scary! How you can just space out like that, and seriously forget what was just in your head.

Second Episode:
I made a ham the other day, so I thought I'd use up the left-overs in a casserole today. So I'm looking for a ham recipe in the index under B!!! Since when does Ham start with a B????

Third Episode:
I couldn't remember the word........oh crap! I can't remember it again! This is the third time, I am never going to use THAT word again. Even if I could remember it, I won't use because its too hard to remember.....STUPID WORD!!!!

Today's Life Question: Am I going slowly retarded? (or possibly quickly retarded?)
Erica at 8:40 AM


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