Blovoidance...I just made up a new word.
It describes when a person blogs because they are avoiding doing work. Usually a blovoider (now its a noun!) doesn't have anything important to say. Blovoiders just type and type because then they are doing
something with their hands, other than the tasks they are
supposed to be working on.
Blovoidance is very versatile. Blogging can help you avoid a great number of necessary but unpleasant chores, from housework or paperwork to exercise or laundry. Whatever you are avoiding, blogging can help.
The old methods of avoidance like t.v. and reading are sooooo last year! Everybody knows that t.v. will make you fat and reading will make you blind.
Blogging is new and exciting. It hasn't been around long enough for scientist to figure out how it can kill you, important research like that takes time! So while we wait for the medical research community to tells us that blogging gives you brain damage, resulting a drooling, catatonic, vegatative state...lets live it up! Ignorance is bliss I always say!
So blog! Blog like the wind! Or blog
about the wind or how the wind makes you feel or how the wind effects your life or how you passed wind....see what I did there? I just typed things. It didn't mean anything, just blogging man! Its the freedom man! Just blogging and not saying anything! I feel so alive!!!! So free!!!
But wait! There's more! Blogging can do more than just help you avoid all those nasty things like chores and duty. You can only type for so long, and then your fingers will get tired, you can't go on saying nothing forever! (I've tried it, I start to bore myself).
Once you've padded your post with all the anecdotes (in parentheses) you can think of (like now) you can still avoid work by reading other people's blogs. Its a great way to pass the time without cleaning any toilets at all or feeding your kids or doing butt crunches or...
Hey wait a minute! Here you are reading my blog!
Are in
really interested in my mindless drivel or are you killing time here?
Are you a blovoider?
What are
you avoiding????