Erica online

Tuesday, January 9

"Coolest Marathon in the World"

My sister was telling me the other day about a marathon that is run at the north pole.
It is called the "Coolest Marathon in the World". Click here to see information on it.

Running a marathon on a warm, sunny day is painful enough but running one at the North Pole?
Frost bite, muscles seizing up, difficulty breathing, trying to run on feet that are frozen.
And here is the kicker, its costs 9,300 Euro which is $14, 249.86 in Canadian dollars.

This got me thinking, I think there is an untapped market out there.
People who have way too much money, who enjoy pain and are willing to pay to have pain inflicted on them. Let's called them WeMas. (short for Wealthy Masochists)

No problem. I can supply the demand of that market. And I won't charge nearly as much those other guys. I'll be like the Wal-Mart of pain infliction.

If you know anyone WeMas, send them my way or you can just provide them with a copy of my price list (found below).

I'll slap you upside the head for $20.
I'll punch you in the face for $35.
Wednesdays we have a combo special for $40 (a $55 value) I'll punch and slap your face.
A kick in the nads is $75.
A round house to the face, followed by multiple kidney punches is $120.
Taking a hammer to your feet is $150 (because of the time involved)

For those on your list who love the pain but can't afford all the classy packages, I will pull hair for $5.

I think I will develop some sort of points system, if you buy any three packages you get a free charlie horse or snake bite.
Erica at 5:28 PM


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