Erica online

Sunday, January 21

Lazy Sunday Morning

This morning I just sat at my computer and read through all the blogs that I read regularly.
I love reading about the joys, sorrows or just the thoughts of people that I care about. I love it when they post pictures so I feel like I have seen them, even though many of them are far away!

One thing I noticed as I was reading through all the blogs, which were all varied and beautiful is that MANY of them were created by Yvonne. They are all very different, they suit the personalities of their owners and they are lovely to look at while I read the content within.

So I wanted to say publicly to Yvonne. Thank you for creating so many beautiful blogs for your friends, so that we have a way of keeping in touch even though our lives are so busy. This link of community is a great way to prevent lonliness and keep in touch through the miles.

I know Yvonne put a lot of hours, thought and time into each blog, which she often did for free for her friends, and friends of friends. Her generosity has come back in two ways:

1. There is a circle of bloggers who can keep in touch with each other and maintain friendships.
2. Her work has been noticed and she has received a free trip (First Class) to get further training on website work.

I'm so glad that she was generous to me, and to many of my friends and that it came back around to her! Good on ya Yvonne! Enjoy your trip. It is well deserved.

So all you bloggers reading this...if Yvonne made your blog, please give her a big thanks, and let's wish her well on her trip!
ps Its also her birthday next week! She is REALLY old now! So you have to speak up to wish her a happy birthday!
Erica at 10:22 AM


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah Yvonne rocks!!
She made my original blog for nothing, just out of the goodness of her heart, cause that's how she is...but I hired her to create my website and it was money well spent!! I've had so many comments about and I think it is the most beautiful website on the internet!!! HA

3:54 PM  
Blogger Yvonne Parks said... all are SO SWEET!


just kidding...sorta....

3:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I for one am very much in agreement with all of you for Yvonne. She is super talented and is like an expensive wine - get's better and better with age. Have a fantabulous time on your trip. Happy Birthday to you. This trip is like a perfect ending to a birthday weekend.

3:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

thanks for mine too Yvonne! I'm definitely in need of a layout change, as we both agree! 3 years is long enough of flowers!
totally enjoy your trip! how fun! and an early happy birthday!

3:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Me too!!! I appreciated my blog!!!!

3:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you my very talented daughter for creating all those blogs and mine. Letting people know that I happened to like "Delfts Blue".

Y's Mom

3:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yvonne, my family from far away thanks you for my blog where they can read regular updates about my kids and see their little faces! (I know you didn't 'design' it, but you did help me set it up!) It is also very fun for me to have somewhere to post my random thoughts! :) I am very grateful for your expertise! :)

3:58 PM  
Blogger Jude said...

Yep, I agree - blogging has been an important part of building community. Yvonne, you really have had a huge hand in making some special things happen. In fancy language, you built infrastructure - the paths on which movement and communication happen.

7:12 PM  

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