Erica online

Wednesday, September 10

With the beautiful weather we had (aside from last night's rain) for the last couple of days, I've been "living" in the park with my girls. Trying to make the most of the last hoorah before winter!

My daughters LOVE the swings! And I've made the mistake of showing them how multi-talented I am. I showed Rebecca that I can hang upside down on the monkey bars.

Harmless enough, except she wants me to do it all the time! I've got some serious head rush going on!

Remember what it was like when you were a kid? Hanging upside down, suspended between earth and sky, nothing could be more freeing.

Well now, its a bit of a stressful event. Getting into the hanging position is not a problem.
But then I am worried about whether my knees will hold me up, if my abs can handle swinging me back up, and if I can balance well enough to get back on top of the bars without falling on my head, breaking my neck and leaving my children motherless.

So far, so good.
Only one thing has stayed the same since I monkied around as a kid.
It's still fun!
Erica at 3:44 PM


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