Erica online

Wednesday, November 5

I'm having such a proud-mommy kind of day.
I'm so proud of my kids sometimes, they are so smart and so cute.

Today at her swimming lessons, the instructor attempted to play follow the leader.
(with 9 two year olds, this is a daunting challenge).

All the other kids were wondering about, not staying where they were supposed to be, and definitely NOT following the leader. But my Rebecca, wow! She was awesome!
She was totally attentive and watching the instructor's every move and copying it.

I wasn't trying to herd my kid along, I just stayed in the pool and watched my little eager beaver, she was amazing! I'm so proud.

I'm also proud of Isabella today, she learned how to go up the stairs of our little slide by herself and go down by herself! Wow, she's getting so big!
And she can also eat her own weight in french fries! JJ....but really, she can eat a lot!

Erica at 3:11 PM


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