I was tagged by Lynne the other day. So I'll play along.
10 years ago today-> I was in 1st year university, trying to figure out what to do with my life, and pushing myself very hard to get good grades, I was playing volleyball on a new team, staying in touch with high school friends, and I had just met a (male) friend at university who would NOT leave me alone...little did I know, he would turn out to be my husband and a gift straight from God!
5 years ago -> I was just pregnant with my first born girl, I was feeling nauseous and hungry, and I was in BC at this time visiting my Grandparents and relatives
1 year ago-> I was trying to keep up with a two year old and three year old on the beach, and coordinate nap times at the cabin
Yesterday -> I had a mini-emotional "event" after a tiny fender-bender
Tomorrow -> I will be laying on the beach at the lake with my little girls (well, they won't lay, they will run and play...hey, that rhymed!)
5 snacks I enjoy -> ketchup chips, pistacchios, pickles, garden vegetable cream cheese on crackers, and baklava (kind of a dessert but I'd snack on it if I could)
5 adult beverages I enjoy -> margueritas, daiquiris, screwdrivers, paralyzers, and wine
5 bands I know the lyrics to-> ABBA, (YES! ABBA!!!), Creed, Moxy Fruvous, U2, and a bunch of CDs by Julie Meyers who is not band but I like her CDs
5 things I would do with $100 000 000 -> travel, buy out my families mortgages and then buy them new houses and vehicles, pay for my sister's university, and travel some more
5 locations I would like to run away to -> Mexico, Caribbean, Italy, France, Argentina
5 bad habits I have -> procrastinating, over-eating, over-sleeping, daydreaming, avoiding conflict
5 things I love doing -> worshiping, playing volleyball, watching my kids laugh, shopping, and having heart to heart talks with people who get me, and who I get in return
5 things I would never wear -> a mu-mu, spandex, a halter top, thong bikini, platform shoes
5 tv shows I like -> Friends, Seinfeld, The Sopranos (I know its bad but the writing is good), The Daily Show, Simpsons
5 movies I like-> I like more than 5 but my favorites are Sense and Sensibility, Pride and Prejudice, Emma (all Jane Austen novels), Anne of Green Gables (NOT the continuing story tho) and When Harry Met Sally
5 famous people I would love to meet-> Jesus (I know it seems a cliche but I really would love to meet him for real), Princess Diana, Tom Cruise (just to ask, "what are you thinking"?), Oprah and Kevin Spacey (he seems really smart)...maybe Edward Norton (he seems smart but pretentious so he only gets the #6 spot on the list)
5 biggest joys at the moment -> Watching my kids interact with each other, make each other laugh, reading a novel, blogging, sleeping
5 favorite toys-> digital camera, keyboard, computer, washing machine, dish washer
5 people to tag -> Rebecca, Bev (mom), Cathy, Cindy and Kristi
I would have tagged Sean but he might think this is too girly for him to do!!!