Erica online

Friday, June 1

Creepy Crawlies...

We are in the thick of the nasty canker worm season in Winnipeg. For those who don't know what a canker worm is, they are nasty little critters. They multiply quickly, eat the leaves off the trees and then hang down and land on you.

It feels so gross to walk down the side walk and have little creepies landing all over you. Especially in my hair and on my back. YUCK!
The only bright side I can see is some of the odd comments my girls have made about this icky bit of nature trying to "catch a free ride on us".
Isabella: I wish those canker worms would stop getting married, then there wouldn't be so many baby canker worms around!
Rebecca: There are so many canker worms growing up fast. If they ever become kings and queens of the world, I will NEVER say, "Long Live the Canker Worms!". Never! I would just only say, "Short Live The Canker Worms!" That's what I would do!
Isabella: Do you think the ants in the front yard will eat the canker worms once they fall onto the grass? (I said I don't know, maybe they might) *she thinks for a moment* Hmmmm! I never would have thought that ants would be the ones who save the world from being taken over by canker worms. Hmmmm. You just never know.
Isabella: (to a neigbor lady) Guess what? My mom and my auntie tried to make me eat canker worms for lunch but I just wanted Subway!
(This comment is semi-true as Auntie C and I were teasing her, saying we're going to feed her canker worms for lunch, the joke was not meant to be passed on the neighbors!)
Erica at 8:18 PM


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't believe I'll be the first to comment on this funny post...
Tim and I were laughing out loud!
Hope you're well.

7:58 AM  
Blogger Lynne said...

Erica, Now what did you get me into? I have two people that want me to interview them. Yikes. I never thought anyone would respond.

2:14 PM  
Blogger Erica said...

Now its THREE!

ha ha

5:13 PM  
Blogger Bev said...

Ha! That will keep you big people from teasing a little person! Now you have your neighbor wondering about YOU!

8:16 PM  
Blogger Vanessa said...

Oh, that's some major payback! Hilarious!

9:48 PM  

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