Being poor sucks!
It isn't horrible in the sense that you know there are things more important than material possessions, and base your life on a higher moral and spiritual code. That part is good.
Its the part about not having money that sucks!
When you go to the store, and they ask you "cash or credit" and neither of those options apply because you have no cash and your credit cards are maxed out. That is a high pressure, high stress, low fundage situation that is NO FUN!
So let me analyse for a moment....why am I presently (not poor, I shouldn't say that as it may offend really poor people) without extra funds? Well, my husband and I have done a crappy job with our money in the past and now we are paying for it! Figuratively and literally.
We have one income and two kids, both of whom would be worth being poor for, forever. They are so amazing. And we went to university with little income when we were first married. These all add up to a bad scene, financially.
So what do you do? Besides pray and ask God to fix the huge muddle you've gotten into, the options are not huge right now. So that's my answer. I have no option but to completely depend on the grace of God, and I haven't seen the result of that in my bank account (yet) but I do feel the stress level going down a little and I think I can rest. And God is soooooo good that in a good moment, I may even thank Him for this situation because it makes me run to Him a little harder, and because I now know there's a lot you can do with very little money. Its an adventure to figure out which dollar store sells pepper the cheapest. Ah, life is good!