I've never liked those God is my co-pilot bumper stickers. To me, it says I'm in control but I have God "just in case".
Maybe I'm nit-picking and people are just saying "God is in my car with me" and no more than that. But language means a lot to me, and the connotations of the word "co-pilot" to means, the second seat or the second place and I don't like that.
I am trying to teach my kids that God is in charge and we are to follow Him BUT He loves us so much that He is willing to help US!!! Whenever we need help, we can ask for help and it pleases God to rescue us.
Somehow my daughter took that and made it into the "God is my co-pilot"bumper sticker.
After spilling her cheerio snack today, I told Rebecca that she needed to clean up the mess she made.
She responded by saying, "Mom you said God can be my helper so I think God should clean up my mess for me!"
Uh...I think I have some explaining to do!!!!