I thought this was cute:
You may be the parent of a toddler if:
1) You know the name of Elmo’s goldfish.
2) You’ve purchased Dunkaroos.
3) You’ve ever found yourself wondering why some adults can’t seem to see Barney, but others not only see him, they think it’s perfectly normal that their kids are consorting with a felt dinosaur.
4) You’ve fed a goat recently.
5) You’ve used the words "pluggy," "bippy" or "binky" in casual conversation.
6) If pressed, you could sketch the layout of Toys R Us on a napkin.
7) You’ve had to use the little red shopping cart at CVS.
8) You’ve watched "Elmo Saves Christmas." In August.
9) You know which brands of diaper have which cartoon characters printed on them.
10) You know what happens if you give a pig a pancake.
11) You’ve ever found yourself wondering how Clifford the Big Red Dog has managed to get through life without accidentally crushing someone.
12) You’ve traced your hand and made a turkey out of it.
13) You know which one is Po, which is La-La, etc.
14) You’ve stood at the bottom of a slide saying, "You can do it!" and/or "Other kids are waiting, honey."
15) You can name all of Arthur’s friends, including Fern and Prunella.
16) You once thought of the Walt Disney company as the purveyors of wholesome family fun, but now you think of them as money-grubbing entertainment whores.
17) You’ve used the verb phrase, "go potty."
18) You know what would happen if all the raindrops were lemondrops and gumdrops.
19) You’ve peeled the skin off a hot dog.
20) You’ve found that you have a favorite Muppet, and have defended his or her attributes to your spouse, who it turns out also has a favorite Muppet.
21) You’ve rewound and fast forwarded through a Barney tape to find the part "with the cookies."
22) There is a little toilet seat in your house with pictures of a blue dog on it.
23) You’ve used the word "tubby" in casual conversation.
24) Your parents have long since stopped asking anything about you during your phone conversations.
25) You’ve purchased "Cinderelmo." On DVD.
26) There’s a bowl of Kraft Easy Mac cooling in your freezer.
27) The phrase "We’re out of wipes" causes beads of cold sweat to appear on your forehead.
28) You know how one might go about doing the Whoop De Whooper, Loop De Looper, Alley-Ooper Bounce.
29) You’ve ever found yourself wanting to strangle Caillou.
30) When you entertain, you tend to serve Hoodsies.
31) All of your second-story windows look like they’ve been outfitted for use in San Quentin.
32) You’ve ever said something and then worried that it might have been broadcast over a baby monitor.
33) There are little dinosaurs in your bathtub.
34) You’ve gone on a vacation that’s involved a giant plastic Humpty Dumpty.
35) Given your druthers, you’d prefer to hang out with a 2-year-old.