Daily Mania...For me, today was what the Spanish refer to as El-Boot Campo! Seriously, look it up in your Spanish-English Dictionary! Its there!
Still recovering from last night's glorious (but late) Olympic evening (which I will still blog about) I was awakened by two very cute little girls, very early in the morning.
7:00-7:30 am Wash, dress, and feed two cute little girls, do hair on cute curly heads.
7:30-8:00 am Work e-mails and voice messages answered on time-sensitive issues.
8:00-8:30 am On-line banking, phone calls to doctor, pharmacy, and boss while dressing kids in
boots and jackets, and preparing snacks and drinks for pre-school backpacks.
8:30-9:00 am While driving kids to Grandma's house, answered some work phone calls on work
cell---both dangerous and irresponsible---but highly effecient.
9:00-9:30 am Drive to a workshop on Aboriginal Women and Girls in the area of Physical
Activity while planning another youth program on the phone. Multi-tasking!
9:30-12:30 pm Workshop - (listening, engaging and jotting down ideas for new programs)
12:30-1:00 pm Drive back to Grandma's to pick up kid, while working out some financial
details regarding my job. Again on cell phone, while driving...BADDD!!!!
1:00-2:00 pm Take child, do shopping for household needs, and plan some fund-raising for
2:00-2:30 pm Tidy kitchen, and put away freshly baked cookies, phone call to doctor again.
2:30-3:00 pm Pick up other kid from pre-school, take them home.
3:00-4:00 pm Plop children in front of t.v. with semi-healthy snack while I work on work stuff
that needs to get done this week. Pack up swimming gear.
4:10 pm Try to go the bathroom with a three year old knocking on the door asking what I am
doing in there.
4:15-5:15 pm Take kids to swimming lessons, undress, shower them, go to class, shower, wash
and re-dress them, explaining all the while why curly hair NEEDS conditioner.
5:15-7:00 pm Feed children and husband while grocery shopping and filling out a pharmacy
prescription and setting up a flew shot appointment for tomorrow.
7:00-7:14 pm Help kids into pjs, brush teeth and toss them into bed. Sing lullaby while changing
from work clothes into work-out clothes and running shoes.
7:15-7:30pm Drive like a maniac to triathlon training-no cell phone-driving dangerous enough.
7:30-8:00 pm Cycling training
8:00-8:45 pm Strength training, balance and weights.
8:45-9:00pm Change into swimming suit while thinking about tomorrow's supper menu.
9:00-9:30 pm Swim 800m doing various drills planned by coach.
9:30-9:45 pm Hot tub! Ahhhhh!
10:00-10:30 pm Finish up day with a bit more work and blogging.
Hopefully this mania will not continue, tomorrow I plan to do nothing at all. Except maybe take my kids to pre-school, take one kid for a flu shot, clean my kitchen, run 5 km, put in at least 3 hours paperwork for my job, plan Friday's lunch meeting, return 2 important phone calls, stop in at the bank to see our loan person, return the library books, go to a network meeting, do a load of laundry, make supper and then go to my volleyball practise.
Hee hee hee
I gotta another doozie lined up tomorrow.
May God bless all the other multi-tasking mothers out there! May He give you Daily Manna for your Daily Mania!!!