At this point in my kid's lives, the true meaning of Easter is all about eggs, toys, baskets of goodies and CHOCOLATES!!!!
They made out like little chocoholic bandits today! They are very well-loved!
(we'll explain what Easter is really about when they are a little older but for now they think Easter is awesome and YUMMY!)
They had an Easter-egg hunt which was a total blast!
But enough about them...I've been really thinking about Easter in light of what I read in the Bible recently. Growing up in church I was told about the sacrifice of Jesus and its significance for me in terms of forgiving my sins.
While that is still true, lately I've been thinking more about how AMAZING the cross in a global and historical perspective.
Yes, Jesus died so MY sins could be forgiven but its also so humanity could approach the throne of God. Up until that moment in history, to come into the presence of God had some pretty steep requirements which were pretty much impossible to keep.
The necessity of Jesus' blood for humanity so we could be closer to a HOLY God that was otherwise unapproachable (due to our own sins) has become a lot clearer to me lately.
The Holiness of God is something I'm really trying to understand, and learn how to appreciate. Its so far beyond me and my pea-size intellect, that I'm relying on my heart to process it for it.
The only thing my heart has come up with so far is a deep sense of gratitude. To spend my life getting closer to the God who IS love, mercy, justice and all-knowing at the same time will take me an eternity to understand. But just the fact that I can spend my life trying, and succeeding at knowing Him better fills me with gratitude, that He lets me search Him out in spite of my unholiness is such an awesome gift.
I am in awe of what the cross has done...