We were invited to a birthday party this morning at Kildonan Park.
So I packed up the kids, and we arrived at the park.
I hadn't even got the kids out of the car yet and here is the drama that ensued.
I took Isabella (one) out of the car and said, "stay close to mommy, and DON'T jump in the puddle. I just have to get your sister out of the car".
As I opened the car door to get Rebecca out, the first thing Isabella does is take a huge jump into (what she thought) was a big puddle. It turns out the big puddle is actually a big pothole that is a foot deep and she is completely immersed. Having lost her balance while falling in. So now she is soaking wet and covered in mud.
She starts screaming for mommy. So I run to pull her out of the muddy hole, but I had already opened Rebecca's door. A SWARM of mosquitos (who were probably breeding in the puddle that Bella disturbed) have come into the car and are attacking her. So Rebecca is now also screaming blue murder.
Eventually, I got them both calmed down. I gave Isabella a sponge bath with baby wipes, and luckily I had another outfit in the car but not extra shoes. So we played at the park, doused in mosquito spray and she ran around barefoot.
It was definitely an adventure, but not one I'd like to repeat.
If they don't do something about the mosquito population at Kildonan Park, I shant be hanging out there this summer.