So on Saturday I take Rebecca to the Y for her dance lesson. She walks into the building perfectly normally, then after getting on her dance stuff, she says "Mom, watch this!"
She proceeds to walk from the change room all the way to the gym with her legs wide open, kind of limping to one side. I walk about three feet behind, not sure what to make of this...what is she thinking???? As I am watching her, I start to notice people staring at me with these pitiful smiles of understanding. One woman looks absolutely broken-hearted as she forces a smile at me.
I then realize as Rebecca is limping past everyone with a huge grin on her face that these people are seeing a brave little girl who is battling cerebal palsy or some other serious disease.
By the time I realized what was going on, she had hobbled into the gym so these well-meaning people were still smiling at this imaginary courageous mother.
I've been thinking about how their pitiful smiles made me feel sad. Their response to my "tragedy" was actually embarassing. I've done the encouraging smile (while thinking you poor thing) myself, is that how made my pitied people feel? How awful!!
So, what is the appropriate response when I meet people who are living in situations I perceive as tragic?
I don't know.
Something for me to think about.